Upcoming Events
August 2nd, 2024
Buffalo Implant Group Annual Dinner Picnic
Time: 5pm-9pm
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August 10th, 2024
Canalside Walking Tour with ASL Interpretation
Time: 11am to 12pm
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August 19th, 2024
City Hall Tour with ASL Interpretation
Time: 10:30am - 11:30am
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Interpreting and CART Services

Request an Interpreter, call 716-833-1637

 Pay your Interpreting Service Invoice below:


Deaf Access Services (DAS) is the leading not for profit agency in Western New York that provides qualified American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters for both onsite and VRI interpreting needs, in addition to remote CART services. Our services ensure that you have effective communication with the people you work with and serve. These services are considered reasonable accommodations by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Our interpreters are evaluated by highly qualified staff and are expected to adhere to the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Code of Professional Conduct.

Code of Professional Conduct – Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (rid.org)



Are you a qualified interpreter, interested in providing services for the Rochester and WNY regions? We are looking to expand our team of interpreters to ensure coverage for the increasing demand. We offer both onsite and remote interpreting opportunities.

Register Here and our staff will be in contact with you to set up a time to meet and begin getting you set up on our roster. 

JOIN NOW: Email us at: InterpretingServices@people-inc.org


Our partners are able to log in directly online to this HIPAA compliant, secure platform and request services. If you do not yet have access to this new system, please contact our interpreting department today. You will need to be granted access in order to schedule services and to receive confirmations/notifications via email.

You can reach our offices by calling 716-833-1637 and following the prompt for the Interpreting Department, or by emailing us at InterpretingServices@people-inc.org.

Services are available 24/7/365 including after regular business hours, weekends, and major holidays. All emergency and urgent requests must be made via phone.


To Confirm An Interpreter Request

If you email a request to our office, you should receive acknowledgement from staff within 24 hours of your request. IF THIS DOES NOT OCCUR, please contact us.

All confirmations and notifications are now sent via email through our HIPAA compliant scheduling platform. If you are not yet set up, please contact us today! This new system is easy to use and will replace the previous requirements for signatures and faxes.

As always, we are here to assist you and to make the process of coordinating interpreting services easy. 


Why hire a sign language interpreter?

American Sign Language is a rich, complex language with its own grammar structure and cultural context. It is not equivalent to spoken English, therefore requiring interpretation. By providing interpreters in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), you ensure that Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Late-Deafened people will benefit from all of the services that your organization or business offers. Effective communication is critical for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Late-Deafened individuals to be productive members of their community and fully participate in society.

For additional information, please see the links below or contact our offices.

Information and Resources Below:

Effective Use of Interpreters

Deaf Rights Information

DAS Interpreting FAQ


Why Use Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)?

VRI uses videoconferencing technology to allow an off-site Interpreter to interpret conversations, from English to American Sign Language (ASL) or vice versa, as if they were onsite. VRI is utilized by many service providers as a resource for ensuring effective communication when there is not an interpreter available onsite. While VRI can be scheduled in advance, a key feature is that these services can be accessed On-Demand 24/7/265. 

For additional information, please see the links below or contact our offices.

Information and Resources:

DAS VRI General Information


Why Hire A CART Provider?

CART is an acronym for Communication Access Realtime Translation. It is the instant translation of the spoken word into English text using a stenotype machine, notebook computer and real-time software. The text appears on a computer monitor or other display.  The ADA recognizes CART as an Assistive Technology which affords "effective communication access." This technology is primarily used by people who are Hard of Hearing or Late-Deafened. 

For additional information, please see the links below or contact our offices.


Information and Resources:

DAS CART Services Information


ADA Resource Links

Revised Regulations Fact Sheet
Effective Communication Fact Sheet


















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