
Being involved with the community



Deaf Access Services is looking for volunteers.

Contact our office today!

Phone: (716)833-1637

Email: communications@wnydas.org





The People Inc. E.T.H.O.S. AmeriCorps Program stands for Empowerment Through Helping Others Succeed. Ethos is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation or ideology.

AmeriCorps is a national program, often referred to as the domestic version of the Peace Corps. It connects people and organizations committed to using national service to address community needs.

The New York State Commission on National and Community Service is a Governor-appointed body of statewide leaders in service, established by Executive Order in 1994. The Commission currently oversees more than 30 AmeriCorps programs that build and reinforce a culture of service, citizenship and responsibility. In New York State, approximately 4,000 AmeriCorps members serve their communities each year. Community service offers citizens a way to improve their lives while also bringing substantive, enduring change to their communities.

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